Think Like A Brand
Welcome to Think Like A Brand, the podcast to inspire you to disrupt your industry with your story, to give you the no BS truths and to show you how to turn your unique voice into a magnet for sales.
Let's unlock your potential and position you as the go-to expert once and for all.
Think Like A Brand
You’re not boring, you’re just uninspired
In today’s episode of the Think Like A Brand podcast, Remi jumps into that myth that you’re telling yourself that you’re boring and that’s why you don’t feel like you have anything to share with your audience to build your personal brand. Spoiler alert: You’re not boring, you’re just uninspired! Remi is breaking down how to get out of this belief and start showing up as the magnetic force you truly are. Remember, building a personal brand isn't about being perfect or having it all figured out. It's about being real, showing up, and connecting with your audience in a way that only you can.
Key Takeaways:
Get into your creative zone
If you’re feeling like you’ve got nothing to say, it’s not because you’re dull - you’re just not doing enough to light your own fire.
Your subconscious is playing tricks on you
Your mind’s trying to keep you safe by making you believe you’re boring. It’s a limiting belief! The more you can ignore this and start believing in your uniqueness, the better.
Change up your environment
If you’re feeling uninspired and in a rut creatively, get out of your comfort zone - change up your environment and do things you love. When you do this, your energy becomes infectious.
Everyone has a story
You’ve got a journey that someone in your audience is dying to learn from - if you can start to tell it. Your experiences, your struggles, your wins - they’re all part of what makes you uniquely you. It’s time to own it and share it.
Consistency is key
You need to be showing up regularly to build trust with your audience - people need to be able to follow your journey and get to know you.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Think Like A Brand! If this conversation sparked something in you, don’t forget to hit subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss an episode.
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Let’s keep the conversation going! Come disrupt and hang out with me on Instagram @remigutteridge
Until next time, keep thinking like a brand and building with intention.