Think Like A Brand

Overcoming Burnout From a Six Figure Business and Pivoting Your Entire Business with JoJo Kearney

Remi Gutteridge Season 3 Episode 11

In today’s episode of the Think Like A Brand podcast, Remi is joined by JoJo Kearney - Online Business & Mindset Coach. After building a 6-figure fitness business, JoJo realised she had lost her passion for the industry and wanted to build a business that allowed her to help people whilst also having the lifestyle she dreamt about - so she made the bold move to burn it down and pivot into business coaching instead. JoJo talks about the power of constantly evolving, the need to trust your intuition and the HUGE impact on you and your business success, of being unapologetically yourself in business. 

Key Takeaways

Your business has to align with your passion 

Be ready to recognise if it doesn’t and take the bold action to make changes to really feel true ‘success’ and to be doing things that truly light you up

Authenticity is key 

You have to embrace your unique personality and voice to build a brand and business that THRIVES. Embrace your weird, wonderful self. 

Burnout isn’t just about overworking

It actually often stems from a lack of vision and internal drive

Who you surround yourself with matters

You need to be constantly surrounded by people who will call you out on your BS and challenge you to grow, even when it feels uncomfortable 

Continuously evolving in the key 

You need to be learning, always and ready to embrace your evolutions both personally and professionally

Hustle with intention

But not just towards what’s safe or easy, but towards what you truly love that lights a fire in your belly - trust your intuition. 

Follow JoJo on Instagram here
Listen to JoJo's podcast here

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Until next time, keep thinking like a brand and building with intention.

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