Think Like A Brand
Welcome to Think Like A Brand, the podcast to inspire you to disrupt your industry with your story, to give you the no BS truths and to show you how to turn your unique voice into a magnet for sales.
Let's unlock your potential and position you as the go-to expert once and for all.
Think Like A Brand
The One Thing You Need To Know To Hit Your Big Business Goals
In this episode of the Think Like A Brand podcast, Remi talks about unlocking your true potential as a business owner and how to avoid burnout. Remi shares her journey of realising success isn’t about doing more, but being more - expanding your capacity to hold more clients, more visibility, and more responsibility. Remi explores the concept of Shadow Work, to uncover the parts of yourself that are still playing small, out of fear. Finally she discusses the importance of deciding to be seen as the bold, disruptive leader that you’re meant to be.
Key Takeaways
Shift from Doing More to Being More
Your next level isn’t about cramming in more content, offers, and strategies. It’s about strengthening your ability to hold more - more clients, more visibility, more money. Embody the version of you who knows her worth and can handle anything coming her way.
Recognise and Overcome Self-Sabotage
The little voice in your head trying to keep you safe? That’s your ego at work. It will do anything to stop you from stepping into your power. Become aware of your patterns of procrastination and perfectionism, and choose to take action anyway.
Embrace Imperfection and Just Start
Stop waiting for the “perfect moment” to launch, post, or put yourself out there. 80% is better than nothing and you can refine as you go.
Stop Seeking Permission to be Seen
You don’t need anyone's approval to be seen. Embody the authority and confidence of the woman you know you’re meant to be, without waiting for external validation.
Consistency is Key, Perfection is Not
Show up consistently and stop trying to create the perfect content every time. Your audience wants to connect with the real you, not the curated, filtered version. Progress over perfection, always.
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Until next time, keep thinking like a brand and building with intention.